All posts by 0215ag3sxa

What if Faith Does Not Guarantee Works?

I’ve re-thought this entire issue and want to propose that “Faith Guarantees Works” is only valid as a hypothetical construct.  In other words, I don’t think practically we can look at anyone’s works and tell anything about their own eternal destiny.  I’ll walk through the logic and the scripture, but what do you think?  Why is it important to hold onto this theological assumption?  What happens if works isn’t connected to faith?  Where is the harm?  What could be the good?

Fred Lybrand

Preaching On Your Feet

Here’s an article from Leadership  on my book on Preaching without notes or manuscript.  Though especially for Church leaders, this information is helpful for anyone who want to become more effective as a public speaker.

Click here for Brian Larson’s Article in LEADERSHIP JOURNAL:


Ken Wilson posted these kind words on Amazon about Preaching on Your Feet…it really expresses my experience well:

I picked up this book at the last conference. Being a methodical type theologian, I had always memorized my sermons. After reading this book, I changed my presentation – but not my exacting exegesis. The response of the congregation has been impressive. The expressive dynamic of “real-time” interaction connected with them just as Fred explained. It could be compared to listening to a sermon on video versus interacting live. Same content – different experience level. Yes, I do leave out a minor point here and there that I had meant to cover; but, the results in effectively communicating God’s truth are well worth it. -Dr. Ken Wilson

What questions could I answer or explain about this this approach?

Fred Lybrand

Click Here to Order Preaching On Your Feet

Carnal Christian?

I gave up on Blogspot (it wouldn’t let me post comments…only initial posts: see, so I’m reloading my last question.  I will be in the mountains with my sons until Thursday, so have at it!

My bottom line is that one can walk according to the flesh (2 Cor 10:2; Gal 5), and though one is a  true brother in Christ, can live as mere men (1 Cor 3:1-4).  ‘Can’ does not me ‘will or should’—so, I say carnality is simply the reality that Christians can sin; and that for extended periods of time.  Some deny even this…but I think most who bray at ‘carnality’ or worried that it gives one freedom to sin / ignore God / assume they are in good standing, etc.  The REAL debate is actually around two things:

1.  Can a Christian resist the Spirit and live ‘according to the flesh’ indefinitely (i.e. doesn’t the Spirit have to change their life)?

2.  How long can a Christian sin before it proves he isn’t really a Christian?

So, there you go…if you don’t like my formulation of the question, then help me out!.  Again, I’ll be gone for a few days…so be kind!!!

Grace and Peace,

Fred Lybrand

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